A distributed infrastructure with DR site where backup copies should be saved
Recommended settings:
Any type of jobs that run regularly and save backups on primary repository on Site A.
A repository deployed on Site B (if repository is a network share, a Windows machine on Site B should be explicitly set as a gateway. See https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/vsphere/repository_server.html?ver=95 for instructions).
For BCJ copy interval should be sufficient to transfer the data over WAN (if 1 day is not enough, set it to 2 or 3 days). Main chain retention set to desired number of points. GFS active and set to desired number of points, “read entire restore point” option is disabled. Periodic health checks can be enabled (for example, once a month on a day when GFS is not created).
Additional option: If you have Enterprise Plus edition, you can use WAN accelerators for data transfer over slow links. You can find guidelines on WAN accelerator effectiveness over different links here https://www.veeam.com/kb1877 WAN accelerators can be installed together with other Veeam components or on separate machines. However, keep in mind that WAN accelerators require significant resources and job may become unstable if WAN accelerator is undersized. You can find best practice for WAN accelerator sizing here https://bp.veeam.expert/resource_planning/wan_acceleration.html
Additional option: to avoid transferring full backup over WAN the first time, you can use Seeding https://helpcenter.veeam.com/backup/80/bp_vsphere/bp_8_bu_copy_job_seeding.html